In a continual effort to brand the design district, we are thrilled to see district businesses co-branding with us online. Members are updating their websites and adding the “in the West Hollywood Design District” tagline and link. Not only does this create a value for the community and consumer, it can also enhance your business’ digital marketing initiatives through enhanced SEO, traffic, and impressions.
“I have always been a big fan of what I dub the ‘trickle-out’ effect. When one business is successful, it ‘trickles-out’ to neighboring businesses. By co-branding our businesses with the WHDD identity we create a sense of place and community. This allows consumers to identify with a physical location and produces a state of mind too.
The more our customers identify with the specific experience of shopping in the West Hollywood Design District the more often they will visit us. And when they visit one business, they may just stop into a neighboring business as well.
Darren Gold, Chair of the West Hollywood Design District
We encourage you to join your neighbors in co-branding with the design district. If you would like any collateral materials, contact