On November 13, DIEM: TALKS DESIGN, The Future is Now kicked off at showrooms across the West Hollywood Design District. Panels offered compelling and timely discussions featuring speakers with unique perspectives and experiences within the fields of design, art, fashion, architecture and more.
For more pictures, head to our Facebook album page.
Panel 1: “Is LA Losing Its Cool As It Becomes Cool?” panelists Nicolas Libert, Ann Friedman, Christopher Farr, Darren Gold and curator Frances Anderton at Design Within Reach
DIEM Talks Design 2015: Is LA Losing It’s Cool As it Becomes Cool? at Design Within Reach. November 13, 2015. West Hollywood, CA.
The six panels took place within various backdrops of design showrooms including Design Within Reach, Woven Accents, Amadi Home, Poltrona Frau/Cappellini, and MASS Beverly.
Panel 2: “Taste in Flux: What is Luxury to the Country’s Biggest Demographic?” curator Mallery Roberts Morgan and panelists Katherine Ross, Christiane Lemieux and Eric Vecchione at Woven Accents
Valerie Von Sobel, curator Mallery Roberts Morgan and panel 4: “Forever Glam” panelist Beatrix Ost at Poltrana Frau/Cappellini.
The showrooms were filled with guests eager to hear from design leaders of the community. By the end of the day, DIEM had taken guests all over the district to hear intriguing insights from the panelists.
Panel 6: “Tales of the City” panelists Barbara Bestor, Rick Corsini, Elizabeth Timme, Ilaria Mazzoleni and curator Frances Anderton at Poltrona Frau
Panel 6: “Why Art?” panelists Carolina Miranda, Stefan Simchowitz and Stephen Goldberg at MASS Beverly
The evening ended with a closing night party at Christopher Guy, where attendees and panelists mingled and said their goodbyes.
For more pictures, head to our Facebook album page.