Noosh allows users to find and copy completed projects to make purchasing for the same or similar items easier. Noosh also copies the price paid for the items in the project for benchmarking purposes. Once copied, the last price paid for the item is stored for reporting purposes, comparing the benchmark or historical price to the latest price paid.
Last price paid can be recorded at the estimate and order level to demonstrate price changes or savings over time.
Smart Form technology is used to represent specifications of products or services sourced by our customers. The technology allows users to create their own specifications forms by removing, adding new, or customizing fields to make Noosh specific to your clients’ business. This flexibility puts a high degree of configuration capabilities without need to engage Noosh
Cascading logic, images, enforced data type (e.g. dropdowns, number, multi-select) allow for detailed data collection for reporting purposes.
Organize suppliers by their capability, approval status, geography or any other category you wish facilitating rapid supplier selection during estimating process and supporting supplier management and rotation practices. Noosh also allows you to approve suppliers on a client-by-client basis, ensuring that production managers are guided to the supplier panel defined for the client engagement.
Noosh also includes supplier diversity status icons to help buyers support client diversity spend programs and envisions including other important data such as ecovadis ratings and ISO certification soon.
Capturing innovation offered by third party suppliers can create value for you and your clients. Noosh’s Spec Option feature allows you to collaborate more closely with your supplier partners on time or cost saving ideas without losing track of the original specification. Suppliers must submit pricing for the item as originally specified, but can create options and associated pricing. The value of the option is fully reportable to allow you to monetize supplier innovation.
Supplier rating surveys that gauge suppliers’ performance on an order by order basis can be used as part of your supplier management program. Survey questions are configurable by you, as required by your clients. Rating scale, as well as question weights, give you the ability to align surveys to your supplier management program goals.
Projects with multiple line items can be split between multiple suppliers in the same project, optimizing for price and delivery. Buyers can request estimates for multiple line items to see the potential total cost of the project if awarded to a single supplier. Yet, buyers have the flexibility to cherry pick estimates and award orders individually — all while presenting a unified quote to the client.